I don't see the page numbers. I have to refresh the page every time to see them.
Jamie,glad hubby is doing well.
is anyone or everyone else missing page numbers under friends, personal experiences, etc.
is there anyway to go back and read previous pages?
i have to wait two to four hours at a time to go back into the ccu to see my husband, so i have plenty of time to catch up on my jwn reading.
I don't see the page numbers. I have to refresh the page every time to see them.
Jamie,glad hubby is doing well.
i have closely followed the premier league for the last 13 matchdays, and i am getting ready to pick a team that i will not only follow this year but for the foreseeable future.
i am not interested in chelsea, manchester u., manchester city or arsenal.
all four remind me of teams i loathe in american sports (cowboys, yankees, celtics).
EXJW, I think Ferguson is one on his own,he seems to think he is the greatest manager ever and won't talk to the BBC after a little spat with them. He is a good manager and has won a lot of stuff but seems to fall on his ass at times. There isn't anyone else like him in the premier league,I think they are all individuals.
As for Wolves,....well Robert Plant is a supporter,what more can you say?
i have closely followed the premier league for the last 13 matchdays, and i am getting ready to pick a team that i will not only follow this year but for the foreseeable future.
i am not interested in chelsea, manchester u., manchester city or arsenal.
all four remind me of teams i loathe in american sports (cowboys, yankees, celtics).
I'm a Man City fan,but at the moment they seem to be a lot of expensive square pegs in round holes,and not many English or British players. I'm a City fan as I was brought up in the south of Manchester and been going to games since I was about 11.
But,judging by the last few games on the TV I would go for either Newcastle,Bolton or Blackpool. The latter being a team of really good players,a good mixture of british and foreign,they play good old fashioned no nonesense football which has got them to 12th in the league,they've come from now where,and Ian Holloway is one of the best,most down to earth funniest managers ever!!!
Now,where's my stick of Blackpool rock gone?
I remeber the original Scooby Doo cartoons,as well as Shazam...anyone remember that??? About the genie with a ring that fitted together and became any animal he said!!!
For those of us in the UK,Tiswas was required saturday morning viewing....forget field service!!!!!
i noticed we've had quite an influx again; probably related to the new elders manual and news of the ungrateful attitude for the sacrifice of the many that the governing body has displayed at the annual meeting.. welcome to everyone, pull up a chair and tell us how you arrived here.
We don't bite.........well maybe Outlaw does,but he's in his cage at the moment so you are safe!!!
For now!!!!
for me, i would go back to the day when charles taze russell snuffed it.
i'd wait for judge rutherford to turn up at the ibsa headquarters, then run him over with a steamroller, in true buster keaton styleee!.
for me, i would go back to the day when charles taze russell snuffed it.
i'd wait for judge rutherford to turn up at the ibsa headquarters, then run him over with a steamroller, in true buster keaton styleee!.
I'd go back and keep all the record I bought instead of chucking most of them in a bin,then go back a little bit further and buy all the first pressings like Led Zep 1 with green titles on the cover. I had a copy of Sergeant pepper on reel to reel at one point....don't know what happened to that.
I'd take my camera to more gigs,I'd learn guitar earlier and write more songs..............................well,I can do that now I suppose.....he he.
wife, mother of 4. my name is.
rochelle tallmadge, and i'm mormon..... .
that gal is a cutie!!
hello everyone :) i am brand new at this site and very excited to meet everyone :) although i would like to change the picture and my personal info (that everyone sees) but i cannot figure it out.
any suggestions?
thank you so much..
hello everyone :) i am brand new at this site and very excited to meet everyone :) although i would like to change the picture and my personal info (that everyone sees) but i cannot figure it out.
any suggestions?
thank you so much..